2018 Statewide Environmental Literacy Summit

Statewide Environmental Literacy Summit

2018 Statewide Environmental Literacy Summit – Saturday, November 10, 2018

“From Community to Impact”

Please join us for the Statewide Environmental Literacy Summit at the Albuquerque BioPark Zoo in Albuquerque on Saturday, November 10, 2018 with our Annual EE Celebration in the evening! This year’s Summit will weave together many current efforts including professional development on the NM STEM Ready! Standards, shared prioritization of ideas and action items from our strategic systems thinking in community process (please visit eeanm.org/strategic-systems-thinking-in-community/ for more information), and opportunities to explore new partnerships and collaboration. In the evening, we will be hosting our Annual EE Celebration to honor our award winners.


For more information about nominations for the Dr. Richard W. Becker Award for Excellence in Environmental Education, Outstanding Environmental Educator, Outstanding Environmental Education Organization, and Rising EE Star, please visit: https://eenm.org/programs/awards/.

Please mark your calendars to save the date of Saturday, November 10, 2018 for a fun-filled day of learning with teachers and educators!

Agenda at a Glance for Saturday, November 10, 2018

9:15-9:30 a.m. Check-in and registration at the Rio Grande Zoo entrance

9:30-10:10 a.m. Welcome, introductions, and EEANM Annual Meeting

10:10-10:30 a.m. Systems change through Statewide Policy – community prioritization of efforts for 2019-2022

10:30-10:45 a.m. Break

10:45-11:45 a.m. NM STEM Ready! Standards – Opportunities for program transformation – Learn from our panel of experts about how EE organizations are changing their programs and practice in response to the new standards

11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Lunch and time on your own at the Zoo

12:45-4:00 p.m. Community, leadership, and systemic impact for EE in the Land of Enchantment

  • After months of strategic systems thinking with our community, we will be releasing our priority areas for EEANM and the EE community for 2019-2022. This innovative approach for strategic planning will place our community in a strong position for systemic change to weave EE into our education system and we are so excited to share the next steps with you!
  • We will do a deep dive into the assets of our community while exploring community mapping and opportunities for systemic change for EE. Discover the value you bring to the community while understanding how the community can better support you.
  • While gaining new skills and tools for collaboration, try out some training in transformational leadership. Activities will deepen connections while allowing our EE community to get a flavor of some new training opportunities which will be offered in 2019.

This session will be facilitated by Vicki Pozzebon who brings years of experience designing community convenings for conversations that matter and create lasting impact. Vicki has facilitation training in the Art of Hosting and World Café, and Transformational Leadership methods. Vicki is a local economy and business development consultant, and designer and facilitator of the Emerging Leaders Network at Santa Fe Community Foundation and the Native Entrepreneur in Residence Community of Practice at NM Community Capital.

4:00-4:30 p.m. Closing session and next steps 4:30-5:00 p.m. Final glance at Zoo exhibits on your own

5:00 p.m. Annual EE Celebration and Awards Ceremony (stay tuned for more info)

To reserve your admission ticket, reserve your seat, and save a lunch, please register by Wednesday, November 7th for only $35/member and $50/non-member. Registrationincludes Zoo admission and lunch. A limited number of registrations will be available for purchase at the door.


As we continue to strive for authentic inclusive and equitable spaces, please feel free to reach out to director@eeanm.org or 505-859-3366 if we can provide alternatives for registration for those that the fee would cause financial hardness. We are working on changing structures to shift things like registration for events like the Summit and appreciate your patience in the meantime as we work on making meaningful transformation in this space.