Rooting in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Justice Workshop – March 10th

Join us: Rooting in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Justice Workshop

Join the Arizona Association for EE, Colorado Alliance for EE, Environmental Education of New Mexico and Center for Diversity and the Environment in a reflective and experiential equity, diversity, inclusion and justice workshop designed to build community and deepen EDIJ analysis and practice. We will ground in and explore approaches to integrating daily equity, diversity, inclusion and justice efforts throughout our work. Topics we’ll explore include: moving from experience/knowledge to action; understanding the mind’s role in inclusion; exploring access and equity; white supremacy culture and white fragility; opportunities and challenges. Our session will include group breakouts, time away from zoom in reflection activities, and other elements to bring our whole selves to the experience.


9:00 – 4:00 (Mountain Time)
Wednesday, March 10th, 2021.


Cost: $10.00 All attendees receive a scholarship of $95 to off-set the cost of the training thanks to a generous grant from North American Association of EE supporting this collaborative effort.

Register: Please pre-register at (