Environmental Education of New Mexico’s (EENM) Board of Directors are the organization’s links to the local, state and regional environmental and education communities. The Board’s purpose is to establish policies, procedures and regulations for the governance of EENM; to raise funds to finance the organization and its programs; and to monitor the organization’s performance.
In an effort to build a stronger Board of Directors that brings a diverse variety of skills, perspective, and experiences, EENM’s Board of Directors uses a matrix to better understand the gaps in our Board composition.
Here is a brief overview of the process used by EENM’s Board of Directors:
1. Establish a Nominations Committee per bylaws.
2. Assess current Board of Directors for characteristics and talents. Each Board member inputs their information into the existing matrix and then the priority needs will be highlighted and discussed. This matrix should be reviewed on a regular basis so changes are made as needed.
3. Identify potential Board member candidates (as suggested by Board and EENM members). This is confidential. Basic information about each candidate is critical at this point.
4. Recruit/cultivate and invite nominees to apply who meet identified needs of organization as determined in step two above. Evaluate potential candidates using the EENM-board-job-description-and-nomination-form_2021.
5. Once new Board members are elected/appointed, orient new board members-connect to one experienced board member and provide orientation packet including board roster, bylaws, mission statement, goals and objectives etc.
6. Involve new members-call/email when they miss a meeting to provide update, assign to committee.
Here is a copy of the matrix currently used by EENM’s Board of Directors:
Blank Copy of Board Matrix 2017
EEANM’s membership approved the following change during the November 10, 2017 annual meeting:
Section 7.01. Nominations.
a. The President will appoint a five member Nominations Committee, to be comprised of the Nominations Chair, two (2) members from the Board of Directors and two (2) EENM members in good standing. This committee will serve at the will of the Executive Committee. Nomination deadlines will be set by the current Board and made available to membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting. An open election will take place and end (21) days in advance of the annual meeting.
b. Nominations for the Board of Directors will be submitted to the Nominations Committee including candidates identified by the Board of Directors and Nominations Committee members as well as EENM members who self-select themselves and are in good standing. The Committee shall consider mission fulfillment and established criteria to select a non-competitive slate of candidates for vote by membership.
c. A slate of candidates shall be submitted to the Board of Directors and membership at least 30 days prior to the election date.
d. Consent of candidates to serve, if elected, shall have been secured, and candidates shall have been informed in writing of their duties and responsibilities prior to giving their consent to serve.