From the President: Spring 2012 Newsletter

Kim ScheererWith Spring on the horizon, the snowy blanket of today (April 3rd) seems a step back in seasonal time. The Cottonwoods of the valley have already started their leaf-out and they seem to be hunkering down through the silent pelt of snow. As the seasons shift (albeit reluctantly) and the weather warms, EEANM maintains our commitment to get you, your family and your community outside and educated about the beautiful southwest.

This transition to Spring has landed EEANM with several exciting adventures! As the New Mexico legislature was unanimously passing the Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights (House Memorial 3, Senate Memorial 10) we found out we are the proud recipients of an EPA Sub-grant Program that has us partnering with four other southwestern states (TX, AR, LA & OK) and the Albuquerque based Albert I. Pierce Foundation. Thanks to the hard work of EEANM Executive Director Barbara Garrity, we have this great opportunity to not only support our New Mexico programs, but also to help our regional partners make connections with their communities as well.

We’ve also welcomed Malcolm Siegel , a retired Sandia scientist and current UNM professor, to the EEANM Board. Malcolm’s broad background and commitment to education in New Mexico will be a great addition and we are excited to have his help on issues like working on an Environmental Literacy Plan for the state!

Finally, as the outgoing President of EEANM this fall – I’m excited to remind you that our fall conference, held in partnership with the New Mexico Science Teachers Association (NMSTA) and the New Mexico Council for the Teachers of Mathematics (NMCTM) will be hosted at Bosque School October 11-13th . With a strong focus and common core curriculum, standards, STEM activities and mixing in all in with the landscape in which we live… I hope to see you there!


Kimi Scheerer, EEANM Board President

This information was originally published in EE Connections for Spring 2012 [PDF].