Release of Every Kid, Every Day, Every Way!

Beginning in 2018, Environmental Education of New Mexico (EENM) has brought together over 200 individuals representing over 90 groups and 17 EENM Fellows to create Every Kid, Every Day, Every Way: A multi-year shared vision and strategy to provide daily equitable access to the outdoors and environmental learning for all New Mexico kids. This shared vision and strategy, the first of its kind in the country, provides a framework for systemic change to support equitable daily access to the outdoors and environmental learning in New Mexico. Supporting Every Kid in the Land of Enchantment with Every Day access to outdoor and environmental learning in Every Way will lead to stronger, healthier people and communities.

EENM will be supporting a monthly community gatherings in 2021 to launch Every Kid, Every Day, Every Way beginning in March 2021. The recommendations are grouped into four categories: Policy, Professional Development and Communities of Practice, Aligned Programs and Shared Resources, and Funding and Sustainability. Visit our Every Kid, Every Day, Every Way monthly community gatherings page for more information.

Click here to download your copy of Every Kid, Every Day, Every Way: A multi-year shared vision and strategy to provide daily equitable access to the outdoors and environmental learning for all New Mexico kids.